opening night
It is almost time for me to get my butt on the #4 or 5 train to Nevins Street to get to the theatre but I will check in briefly to say that our opening was really lovely last night. We had a warm, friendly house who went along with us in the journey of the show and I would like to think that they really got something out of it. There was lots of animated chatter going on in the lobby after the show and many friends of the Builders and other assorted fellow travelers of the avant garde could be found representing for our show. It was really wonderful.
And afterwards, there was a party! BAM rented busses and shuttled everyone, audience included, over to the Brooklyn Brewery in Williamsburgh for a food-and-brews blowout. There was tasty middle eastern fare for the nibbling and a few varieties of beer on tap in this very large room that also contained two giant brewing vat things where beer was silently birthing itself as we partied below. There was also a fat, relaxed kitty who wandered around the place, completely at ease and showing none of the signs of social anxiety that the party was bringing out in me, for instance. Ah kitty, you have it so good.
We hung out with our friends, loved ones and random audience people and chit-chatted the night away. Then it suddenly got to be "late" and I was feeling the pull of bed, despite the stalwarts who continued to party on. We got back on the bus, which deposited us at the L train subway stop. And yes, there was a DRIVING rainstorm that I managed to avoid until the subway moment. We were let off at the train but uh-oh, it was one of those entrances with the red light which means that it's closed and you have to walk a block down to the one that's open. Shoot. So me and Jeff plodded along to the station and got a little wet In the process. By the time we got to Manhattan however the rain situation had reached Category 4 proportions and we both got soaked to the skin going home, though we each live about a block and a half from the train. Lucky for us, it was not that cold.
I went to bed damp and content, and let the three pieces of baklava I consumed at the party give me sweet sweet dreams.
Off to work,
And afterwards, there was a party! BAM rented busses and shuttled everyone, audience included, over to the Brooklyn Brewery in Williamsburgh for a food-and-brews blowout. There was tasty middle eastern fare for the nibbling and a few varieties of beer on tap in this very large room that also contained two giant brewing vat things where beer was silently birthing itself as we partied below. There was also a fat, relaxed kitty who wandered around the place, completely at ease and showing none of the signs of social anxiety that the party was bringing out in me, for instance. Ah kitty, you have it so good.
We hung out with our friends, loved ones and random audience people and chit-chatted the night away. Then it suddenly got to be "late" and I was feeling the pull of bed, despite the stalwarts who continued to party on. We got back on the bus, which deposited us at the L train subway stop. And yes, there was a DRIVING rainstorm that I managed to avoid until the subway moment. We were let off at the train but uh-oh, it was one of those entrances with the red light which means that it's closed and you have to walk a block down to the one that's open. Shoot. So me and Jeff plodded along to the station and got a little wet In the process. By the time we got to Manhattan however the rain situation had reached Category 4 proportions and we both got soaked to the skin going home, though we each live about a block and a half from the train. Lucky for us, it was not that cold.
I went to bed damp and content, and let the three pieces of baklava I consumed at the party give me sweet sweet dreams.
Off to work,