mixing work and pleasure

This is Joe Silovsky. He is in SUPER VISION, playing a series of helpful civil servants and he is also the technical director. In other words, a double threat. In this picture, you are catching him "mid-charade", as he is apparently trying to get you to say a little word. Joe and the rest of us were doing a little mailing project for the company one night after the show in the lounge area of our hotel in Columbus. And we decided to play a little charades to enhance the fun of stuffing envelopes and having a night cap. Notice Joe's really good outfit, which gets him a lot of attention from the ladies and the wee folk.
We've done two shows and it seems to be going well. Marianne and the crew continue to work things out and refine each little moment into perfection and we are getting good feedback from the folks that stick around to give us some. That's always nice.
Tomorrow is Saturday and that means college football and OSU really really means college football and we are curious and a little scared to see what happens to this town on game day. When the stadium is full, it can accommodate one tenth of Columbus' population. That's a lot of Buckeyes, folks.
Hey Builders Association,
Your Canadian fans - me and Christa - were fortunate enough to get to Avanti in South Bend last year, and we really hope to make it to SuperVision soon.
Glad to hear it's going well!
Keep up the good work!
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